Acacia Village i Juba

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Kontakter telefon: +211 911 252 613
Latitude: 4.8687979, Longitude: 31.5393448
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Kommentar 5

  • katamba moses

    katamba moses


    Its a mail for everything for life

  • Travis Nilsson

    Travis Nilsson


    Great place considering the surroundings. Felt like we were at a tropical island resort.

  • Sami Faltas

    Sami Faltas


    Safe, clean, quiet, and friendly, but a long drive from the centre of town. Perfect for long stays.

  • Steve Roese

    Steve Roese


    It's Juba. The Wild West. Exciting, hot, dusty and frustrating. Acacia is an oasis in the middle of it all. Close enough to get "there" in 15 minutes. Great cottage rooms, pleasant friendly staff. Clean. Food is not up to the standards of the place but the setting balances that out. Good gym and pool. Always feel like I've come home. Give them your business. They have been great for a long time and you will be glad you did.

  • Data Sam

    Data Sam


    Cool place to relax when bored with lots of eats and shopping around

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