Juba International Airport i Juba

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Juba, South Sudan
Kontakter telefon: +211
Latitude: 4.8675194, Longitude: 31.6026841
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Kommentar 5

  • N Khannn

    N Khannn


    One of the worst airport ranked for 2017 and 2018. And really is as bad as it ranked. Everyone is just stop you make some money illegally.

  • Nhial Manut Adim Adim

    Nhial Manut Adim Adim


    Because It's Look Good

  • Ali-A



    When I arrived at this airport, a military truck came and captured me. They said I had an American visa and I looked like I had a 5th grade education. They took me to the government building and I tried to teach them algebra.

  • Julius Ngunjiri

    Julius Ngunjiri


    Small Airport by world standards, near River Nile, next to Capital City of S. Sudan struggling to provide professional services due to the war-ravaged nature affecting the country to date. However the capital city has enjoyed relative practice, and business is doable.

  • Sibonakaliso Mpala

    Sibonakaliso Mpala


    Having used this airport for almost 4 years, flying in and out of it at least 4 times every 2 months, I probably have a lot to say. I have given 3 stars because the current temporary terminal cannot cope with the numbers of people using the airport. This is a very busy airport, in a new country that is still developing, so as a first time traveller be prepared for anything. A new terminal is under construction, and it looks like it will improve things a lot. In spite of the challenges with infrastructure and the occasional chaos, you will do just fine for as long as you have someone waiting for you and ready to assist you on arrival. South Sudanese are very welcoming and highly tolerant.

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