Juba Bridge Hotel i Juba

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Kontakter telefon: +211
Latitude: 4.8593799, Longitude: 31.5711827
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Kommentar 5

  • George Wakaria

    George Wakaria


    Very nice staff and comfortable rooms with AC that works. Generators are equally reliable. The view of the Nile here is perfect. Possibly the best place to stay at while in Juba and on a mid size budget. I remember they even helped organize taxi services and technically a guide for me while I was staying at the hotel for daily movement and shopping solutions. I liked that. Unfortunately, I wasn't very enthused leaving my passport with the management on point of entry... That's a bit too much if you ask me!

  • Paul Roden

    Paul Roden


    Great ambiance and good food. Secure location

  • Tekle habtemariam

    Tekle habtemariam


    It's nice and peaceful hotel special the Nile corridor please keep it up

  • Suzan Loro

    Suzan Loro


    Juba bridge hotel is a very good place, nice view of the riverside and cold weather Nice meal with pocket friendly price

  • George berhane

    George berhane


    If you happen to be in Juba, Juba Bridge Hotel is the best place in the city you can not afford to miss. Not only the services are wonderful, but the coolness of the area, and the scenery to see the Nile Rive flows downstream is fantastic.

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