Juba Football Stadium i Juba

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Hai Malakal, Juba
Kontakter telefon: +211 951 432 876
Latitude: 4.8427276, Longitude: 31.6158304
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Kommentar 5

  • Santi Santino

    Santi Santino


    Home sweet home

  • Nicky Ogechi

    Nicky Ogechi


    Still needs some few adjustments

  • Malal Kuol

    Malal Kuol


    Is nice place

  • Alex Lee

    Alex Lee


    This was a very pleasurable experience. The Grounds capacity is truly out of this world. I can honestly say that the Juba Stadium is one of the greats. I would strongly recommend any football fans to come to the juba stadium. It has state of the art facilities such as a porta potty and a mud pit. The seats are all damaged and broken which really adds to the atmosphere. I whole heartedly recommend this ground.

  • George Nyaga

    George Nyaga


    Where stars are made. Team Al-Malakia

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