Phenicia Supermarket i Juba

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Airport Road, Juba, Juba, SS Sudan Południowy
Kontakter telefon: +211 919 909 090
Latitude: 4.8541838, Longitude: 31.5851164
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Kommentar 5

  • Kaushal Kafle

    Kaushal Kafle


    Nice and well maintained superstore. Expensive yet oriented for international customers only.

  • Judy Eban

    Judy Eban


    Good choices. But can be a pit pricey

  • Drajat Wibawa

    Drajat Wibawa


    I was here in May-July 2014 and it was not like the pictures I see now. Glad to see that this Supermarket and also the city have improved fast. This supermarket was our main weekly destination to get something for our needs.

  • LJ Kwesiga

    LJ Kwesiga


    The supermarket is quite stocked for the usual groceries. Be sure to get the usual items you need for a fairly comfortable stay in your hotel or apartments.

  • chris kisuuki

    chris kisuuki


    One of the few big supermarkets in Juba. It's also one of the few places where visa cards are accepted in this town

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