Regency Hotel i Juba

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Kololo Area, Off Airport Road, Close to Doctor John Garang International School, Juba, Sydsudan
Kontakter telefon: +211 955 506 070
Latitude: 4.8557932, Longitude: 31.5831992
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Kommentar 5

  • Saqib Banday

    Saqib Banday


    Regency seems to be the first choice for the expat community in South Sudan capital Juba ......overall the hotel is nice staff is always welcoming and make the stay plasent and worth. Residents can enjoy free services like the pool gym ....there is a salon, message palour, steam bath and sauna which are not free .....the bar beside the pool is nice people stay there for a longtime and enjoy their morning the breakfast is nice have plenty of variety.....wifi is also avaiable not the best connection but does the work ....gym open at 6 can ask for the key from reception and open it himself ..........Over all nice place staff is nice and one can stay here...i stayed here for almost a month.....but one needs to be sure when communicating some of staff have a hard time under happened to me I asked a staff to heat the food and he ate it and thanked me in the end

  • Dmitry Kuchumov

    Dmitry Kuchumov


    Good restaurant onside the lobby. Less timing to wait for the same exact menu as outside next to the pool areas. Peppers streak worth it..

  • Malcolm Rosier Jones

    Malcolm Rosier Jones


    2 nights without functional aircon, toilet leaking water, otherwise hotel OK for South Sudan.

  • Fahad Feisal

    Fahad Feisal


    Accommodation is good,food good,cleanliness good. Staff very good. Environment good.But please improve Wi-Fi, No hot water,and No live premier league,or Citizen TV. Thank you.

  • Dylan Quinnell

    Dylan Quinnell


    Clean and comfortable with friendly staff. Breakfast is delicious and the outside bar next to the pool is lovely in the evenings. Known to have good security as well. Aircon in rooms but showers can be a little weak.

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