Seventh-day Adventist Church i Juba

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Hai Kuwait, Juba, South Sudan
Kontakter telefon: +211 927 379 372
Latitude: 4.8560712, Longitude: 31.5797549
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Kommentar 5

  • Makur Majeng

    Makur Majeng


    The really church of God.

  • ogeth ocayi

    ogeth ocayi


    It's the only place In juba were hate is not tolerated, people worshipping God on the Sabbath day it is good to be here

  • James Achintos

    James Achintos


    Its a wonderful day to celebrate Sabbath day with fellow colleagues here in SDA central church after such a longtime, May God touch the hearts of those who were unable to come and worship in the house of God today. Happy Sabbath to all.

  • A.R. Michael Kingsly

    A.R. Michael Kingsly


    Church of Christ

  • Boat Angel

    Boat Angel


    God loves us all worship the Lord everyday every day holy to the lord thank you for this church.

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